
Submit a job

You may submit a job interactively or through a job scheduler. For any information please refer to the Submit a job page.

My job remains pending

Copy on a ticket to user support the message in the REASON field in the output of squeue command.

Information on computing resources

Please refer to the page Information on the computing platform resources.

I belong to several groups

Please refer to the paragraph User information.

Compiling software

Multithreading processes are not allowed on the interactive servers and may be killed (see Best practices on “cca”). However compiling can be achieved faster thanks to multithreading compiling, using make -jN with N the number of concurrent processes.

Therefore, in order to compile software or your own source code, the best way to achieve it is to use an computing resources interactive worker node (see Interactive Jobs for details).

You may want to specify the number of cores you will need. You can check the number of free CPUs using the htop command.

Compiling CUDA source code

To compile CUDA source code, please refer to the paragraph Using CUDA.