
Mailing lists ListServ

CC-IN2P3 offers the possibility to its users and the IN2P3 staff to manage mailing lists and newsgroups with ListServ.

When an account becomes member of a collaboration (through its research structure, or after a membership request), the user is automatically registered on the USERS-CC-L mailing list, intended to warn him of important events (impacting changes, severe service interruption, etc.).


The service web interface is only accessible from the IN2P3 network and IN2P3 partners. Please use the management by e-mail or use your VPN to connect to the web page.

To create a new mailing list, please contact user support. The list requested name format must follow the syntax

Subscriptions management

Mailing list subscriptions may be managed via e-mail by sending command lines in the e-mail body to The subject is always ignored.

Please find below a non-exhaustive list of useful commands. For further details, please contact user support.

Contact the admins of a mailing list list_name

use the e-mail address:

Subscribe to a mailing list
subscribe list_name <Firstname Lastname>

If you already subcribed to the list:

Unsubscribe from a mailing list
signoff list_name
Retrieve the subscribers list
review list_name
Retrieve archive index
index list_name
Retrieve the archive for the month of interest

where filetype is one of the fields in the index obtained by the previous command.

get list_name filetype


A national LDAP server is available for all the IN2P3 units. It contains few informations of all the agents who are present at IN2P3.

This LDAP server is available at the following address: ldaps://


Access to the LDAP server is only possible from the IN2P3 network.

Here are the connection parameters to this server:

Protocole : ldaps
Hote :
Port : 636
Base : ou=people,dc=in2p3,dc=fr

The LDAP schema is as follows:

dn: uid=123456,ou=people,dc=in2p3,dc=fr
ou: USR6402
uid: 123456
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: NOM Prénom
sn: NOM
givenname: Prénom
displayname: NOM Prénom

Here is an example of an LDAP search on the new schema:

% ldapsearch -x -H ldaps:// -b ou=people,dc=in2p3,dc=fr "*"

The data exposed in this server are read-only, and come from NSIP.

To modify information in LDAP, you must modify it in NSIP if you have the rights to do so, or contact the directory manager of your laboratory.


The purpose of the directory is to make the list of laboratories and staff of IN2P3 available on the web. It is available at this address Annuaire de l’IN2P3.

All the data in the directory comes from NSIP. It is therefore not possible to directly modify the directory.

There are 3 ways to modify the data displayed in directory:

  • You can modify your personal file by connecting to NSIP. You can request modifications from the directory managers of your laboratory.

  • You can request changes from the administrative managers of your laboratory.

API Directory

The directory has a read-only API for directory managers. The API allows you to retrieve a data stream from the staff in your laboratory.

It returns the information in JSON format with the following fields:

- Last name
- First name
- E-mail
- Team
- Phone numbers
- Fax numbers
- Internal fax
- Titles
- Skills
- Office
- Building
- Website
- Nature of the agent

To access the API, authentication by Bearer Token is required. Here is an example of the API call:

% curl --request GET \
 --url \
 --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN'

To obtain a Token to access the API, please contact your directory managers. To find the directory manager for your laboratory, you must consult your laboratory’s directory file, the managers are displayed in a block to the right of the file.


The aliases are not linked to the “computing” accounts: having a unix account username does not provide an alias

Only personnel assigned to an IN2P3 laboratory may have an alias. The alias points to the email address in the laboratory domain: points to

If a person is not IN2P3 presonnel, he does not have an alias. If a person leaves IN2P3, he will no longer have an alias.


CC-IN2P3 has been providing an electronic mail service to the IN2P3 staff since its move to Villeurbanne in 1986. This service has evolved over the years to offer in addition to the traditional mailbox, a set of so-called “collaborative” services.

The messaging service and these associated collaborative tools have been hosted on a platform “Zimbra Collaboration Server” (ZCS) since 2013.

This documentation describes the range of services offered, the tools and the settings to use them. It does not contain very sensitive information, we nevertheless wish that its diffusion remains limited to the community of users of CC-IN2P3. We ask you not to relay its contents outside your laboratory.

For more operational information, please refer to the dedicated FAQ.

Services proposed

The ZCS platform includes the following services:

  • e-mail

  • Instant messaging

  • Address Book Manager

  • Calendar and Task Manager

  • Electronic document case

  • Resource reservation

Access to the various services of the ZCS platform is based on standard protocols (IMAP, SMTP, CALDAV, CARDDAV, WEBDAV, XMPP), but also from a rich and particularly advanced web interface: the webclient. The “Active Sync” protocol makes services accessible for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets).


CC-IN2P3 hosts an instant communication tool, available on all platforms and based on the RocketChat software.

Dedicated platforms are available for IN2P3 laboratories that have requested them and accessible from URLs of the following type:


To access your laboratory platform, please contact your local administrators.

The general platform Chat IN2P3 purpose is to allow IN2P3 staff to have the same instant communication tool for their exchanges with their collaborators, whether they are from IN2P3 or any other organization represented on the eduGAIN identity federation. It is a service which nevertheless remains dedicated to IN2P3 uses.

For more information on the use of the platform, please refer to the Rocket.Chat User Guides.