Submission examples

Standard job

Job submission through command line needs to adhere to the following syntax:

% sbatch -t 0-00:30 -n 1 --mem 2G
sbatch: INFO: Account: ccin2p3
sbatch: INFO: Submission node: cca013
sbatch: INFO: Partition set to: htc
sbatch: INFO: Partition limited to one node per job.
sbatch: INFO: Time limit set to: 0-00:30 (30 minutes)
Submitted batch job 10280305
-t <j-hh:mm>

specifies the evaluated time limit. All acceptable formats are explained in Essential sbatch options paragraph.

-n <number>

specifies the number of tasks requested (in this syntax equivalent to the number of cores). For a multi-core job, <number> will be larger than 1.

--mem <number>

specifies the amount of memory requested.

your executable task script.

The three parameters indicated above must always be expressed upon submission. The -c parameter (number of CPUs per task) can override -n (see Required parameters limits).

Upon submission, information is returned to you in the standard output: the computing group (Account, here ccin2p3), the submission node (here cca013), the partition htc (default) in which the job will be executed, and the job identifier contained in the environment variable SLURM_JOB_ID (here 10280305) .

If we want to access a resource requiring declaration, we will use the option -L:

% sbatch -t 0-00:30 -n 4 --mem 2G -L sps,matlab


Please check that your resources request does not exceed the hardware limits on the computing platform nodes.

Submission scripts

It is possible to define submission options directly in a batch script using one of the following syntaxes, depending on computing requirements. The batch script will be then submitted as easily as:

% sbatch

Please refer to paragraph Essential sbatch options for details on the submission options shown below.


# SLURM options:

#SBATCH --job-name=serial_job_test    # Job name
#SBATCH --output=serial_test_%j.log   # Standard output and error log

#SBATCH --partition=htc               # Partition choice (htc by default)

#SBATCH --ntasks=1                    # Run a single task
#SBATCH --mem=2000                    # Memory in MB per default
#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00             # Max time limit = 7 days

#SBATCH --mail-user=<e-mail>          # Where to send the e-mail
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL          # Mail events (NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)

#SBATCH --licenses=sps                # Declaration of storage and/or software resources

# Commands to be submitted:

module load python

In this example, we set up a Python environment using modules in order to run the, that will need the SPS storage resource. All the required Slurm options have been given using #SBATCH instructions.


Please check that your resources request does not exceed the hardware limits on the computing platform nodes.

Interactive job

An interactive job submission is done with the srun command. Use the -L option for resources requiring declaration.

HTC interactive session
% srun -t 0-08:00 -n 4 --mem 2G --pty bash -i
Running interactively an HTC executable
% srun -t 0-08:00 -n 4 --mem 2G
In the case of a GPU interactive job, the appropriate partition must be specified.
% srun -p gpu_interactive -t 0-08:00 --mem 2G --gres=gpu:v100:1 --pty bash -i

to select the partition,


allows you to declare the use of a GPU resource, and to define its parameters,


allows interactivity with the open session (see previous note).

To quit the interactive session:

% exit

Job array

A job array allows to execute multiple times the same script in parallel. It can be useful to run the same simulation in parallel to quickly increase the statistics.

% sbatch -t 0-00:30 -n 1 --mem 2G --array=0-3

Array jobs will have additional environment variables set:


will be set to the first job ID of the array,


will be set to the job array index value,


will be set to the number of tasks in the job array (in our example: 4),


will be set to the highest job array index value (in our example: 0),


will be set to the lowest job array index value (in our example: 3).


Please check that your resources request does not exceed the hardware limits on the computing platform nodes.

Parallel job (MPI)

These are jobs executing parallel operations, possibly on different computing servers, using an MPI (Message Passing Interface) type interface through an InfiniBand connection. The hpc partition must be specified in the submission command line:

% sbatch -p hpc -t 0-02:00 -n 8 --mem 2G -N 2
-N <number>

specifies the number of required computing servers (nodes). If the number of computing servers (-N option) is 1, it is not necessary to indicate it, nor to specify the partition. If the CPU tasks number (option -n) exceeds the CPU hardware limit in a node, the scheduler will “overflow” to a second node, even if the -N option is not specified.

MPI configuration

In parallel computing, the Process Management Interface (PMI) allows the MPI process to interact with the process manager by adding information to the database (“put” operations) and querying information added by other processes in the application (“get” operations).

PMIs are available in our SLURM installation. To list the available PMIs, run the following command on an interactive server:

% srun --mpi=list

The correlation between the PMI and the required MPI type is shown in the SLURM MPI Users Guide.

To implement MPI in your parallel calculations, please add one of the following syntaxes to the script you will submit:

  • Using the software installed on our system:

    module load openmpi
    mpirun -np 4 <path>/<script openmpi>
  • Using the PMI installed in SLURM:

    srun --mpi=pmix -n 4 <path>/<script openmpi>


To use InfiniBand with OpenMPI, you will also need to set the following environment variable:

% export OMPI_MCA_btl_openib_allow_ib=1

GPU job

These are jobs that run on computing servers equipped with GPUs. Two GPU types are available on the computing platform:

% sbatch -t 0-01:00 -n 1 --mem 10G --gres=gpu:v100:1
% sbatch -t 0-01:00 -n 1 --mem 10G --gres=gpu:h100:1

Here, we request the allocation of a single GPU, but it is possible to use several, up to the limit of GPUs in the corresponding node. The limit on the number of tasks -n <N> is explained in Required parameters limits.

If you omit the GPU type in your command line,

% sbatch -t 0-01:00 -n 1 --mem 10G --gpus 1

the scheduler will assign by default the type v100 to your job.


Please check that your resources request does not exceed the hardware limits on the computing platform nodes.

Using CUDA

The CC-IN2P3 provide a complete Nvidia environment (drivers, CUDA, CUDnn and NCCL libraries), and upgrade it on a regular basis. To know the current CUDA version please use the following command from an interactive GPU server:

% nvidia-smi

If you need to use a previous Nvidia environment, the CC-IN2P3 provides Apptainer images. These container images are available from the container repositery:

% ls -lsah /cvmfs/

A more detailed documentation about how to use such containers is available in the CC-IN2P3 GitLab.

For the syntax required to submit a GPU job in a container, please refer to our relative documentation.

To compile your CUDA code, you should connect to an interactive GPU server and then use the nvcc compiler:

% /usr/local/cuda-12/bin/nvcc

Once the code is compiled, we recommend you to exit the interactive server and submit your jobs with sbatch.


To profile GPU jobs, CUPTI (CUDA Profiling Tools Interface) is installed on our computing nodes. Since CUPTI is directly linked to CUDA the installed version is the same.

Daemon job and recursivity

For long running jobs with low resource consumption (to motor or orchestrate other jobs) choose the htc_daemon partition (see Required parameters limits):

% sbatch -p htc_daemon -t 90-00:00 -n 1 --mem 1G

More generally, the computing time limit can be circumvented with a recursive job script which re-submits itself and remains queued until the first job disappears. The command line below should be written inside the script itself, preferably at the beginning of the script.

% sbatch --dependency=afterany:$SLURM_JOBID

$SLURM_JOBID being the identifier of the current job from which the job is launched.

Building a job pipeline

It is possible to build a job pipeline using the Slurm dependency option:

% sbatch --dependency=<type>:job_id[:job_id][,<type>:job_id[:job_id]] -t 0-01:00 -n 2 --mem 2G

Using the following dependencies types :


job can begin after the specified jobs have started


job can begin after the specified jobs have terminated


job can begin after the specified jobs have failed


job can begin after the specified jobs have run to completion with an exit code of zero


jobs can begin execution after all previously launched jobs with the same name and user have ended. This is useful to collate results of a swarm or to send a notification at the end of a swarm.

A more detailed example of such pipeline is given on this page.