Available software

CC-IN2P3 installs and manages various software, commercial or not, that its users have the possibility to make use of. The list of available software is not static, it can change over time according to user needs. If you need a specific software that is not available on our platorm, please contact the user support.

Environment Modules is the provided method for managing the user environment at the CC-IN2P3. The following command displays the list of currently installed software:

% module view
 bedtools/  gnuplot/  [...]
 fs4/  suptools/  treqsc/
 f95/  g95/  gcc/  [...]
 apptainer/  helm/  [...]

To get the available versions of a given software:

% module view root
5.34.38  6.14.06 [...] 6.24.06 (root)

Using software

To enable specific environments on interactive servers or worker nodes, run the following commands:

Enables the production version
% module add gcc
enables the choosen version
% module add Compilers/gcc/10.2.0

To create custom Python environments, refer to Virtual Environment or Anaconda Environment section.


For a custom installation, the attempt to add a module for R, Python or Julia will initially result in an error message if an installation target is not specified. The interpreter will try to install it in /pbs/software, which is not writable by users. On the second try, the interpreter will install it correctly in the user’s directory (which is recommended, for modules other than those usually installed).

It is possible to define the installation target by adding it as an environment variable.

Please find below more detailed information about the module command.

Documented software

Licensed software

The CC-IN2P3 also provides licensed software (used with tokens). The following link provides the complete list of such software, as well as the number of tokens available, and the number of free ones.

The CC-IN2P3 also provides LabView to the IN2P3 community. The page offers a dedicated documentation on that software, especially on its installation.