Managing server groups

Server groups allow to specify placement policies for the VMs on hypervisors. Two use cases :

  • affinity : two VMs workloads are tightly coupled and you wish to keep the VMs running on the same hypervisor,

  • anti-affinity : N VMs implement a clustered service and you wish to those VMs on seperate hypervisors all the time.

Manage a server group


% openstack server group create --policy anti-affinity <group>


% openstack server group list [--long]
| ID         | Name       | Policies      | Members               | Project Id | User Id |
| 39ca7[...] | <group 1>  | anti-affinity | 1c11[...], 93a0c[...] |            |         |
| 56342[...] | <group 2>  | affinity      | e747[...]             |            |         |


% openstack server group show <group>
| Field    | Value                                     |
| id       | 39ca7dca[...]                             |
| members  | 1c11[...], 93a0c[...]                     |
| name     | <group>                                   |
| policies | anti-affinity                             |

Set a specific group for an instance

First fetch the target group ID with the server group show command
% openstack server create --hint group=$GROUPID [...]


You can fix the server group only at instanciation time, not after.