Package managers conda & mamba

In order to have a recent Python version, it is often more convenient and quick to use package manager software to install a full Python environment. These package managers allow to install, not only Python and some of its main modules, but all the required system dependancies, without the need of any compilation.

There are two main package managers usually used for installing and managing several Python version:

  • Anaconda and Miniconda distributions based on the conda command line interface,

  • Mamba and Micromamba distributions based on the mamba CLI (micromamba being a lighter version of mamba).

The command line interface (CLI) of these package managers also offer commands to create and manage multiple Python environment, in a robust way. They also provide access to a large software collection through specific channels. However, let’s note that some of these softwares, especially those provided by the default channels in Anaconda, are under the Anaconda license.


Different releases are available at CC-IN2P3. Please follow the software loader syntax to list and activate the required release.

Python environment

Although we give below the main commands for managing your Python environment from the conda CLI, the commands using the mamba CLI are identical, ensuring script portability.

To create an Anaconda environment, you can use the conda create command, after having loaded the wanted anaconda version as shown above:

% conda create --prefix /<path>/<environment name> python=<version>

The --prefix option is recommanded to specify a path with write privileges for the environment and by favouring a shared storage space, because conda environments can be large.

An active environment can be replicate as follow:

% conda env export > environment.yml

This command will export the characteristics of the current environment, create the environment.yml file, which can later be used to replicate the environment:

% conda create -n <nom nouvel environnement> -f environment.yml

Then you can activate the environment with the conda activate command:

% conda activate /<path>/<environment name>

To install a package available in the channel <channel>, you can use the command:

% conda install -c <channel> <package>

Please also consider the tips on custom-installations.

To deactivate the environment, you can use the conda deactivate command:

% conda deactivate

For more details on managing Python environments, please check the official documentations of conda and mamba.

Anaconda license

In the light of Anaconda terms of service, limiting the number of users without a paid license, it is necessary to avoid the following software channels, which provide packages covered by the license:

  • pkg/main

  • pkgs/r

  • pkg/msys2

To check the software channels used, run the command:

% conda config --show channels

To check the use of packages covered by a paid licenses, run the command:

% conda list --explicit


It is recommended to switch to Miniconda or Micromamba, and configure it via .condarc for each virtual environment created with the following lines :

- nodefaults
- conda-forge
channel_priority: strict


The use of conda as a CLI remains free of charge.