Management activities

Profile editing

From the Identity Management Portal you will be able to perform the following actions on your profile:

  • modify your First and Last Name,

  • change or reset your password,

  • request membership to scientific collaborations.

  • Pending validation by the concerned collaboration contacts, no further modification of the profile will be possible,

  • the main group does not change after a membership request. To change it, please use the CLI commands.


Your reference e-mail address is used for all exchanges with CC-IN2P3. A notification will be sent periodically inviting you to revalidate your profile. If you do not reply, the account will be suspended pending deletion. To change your reference e-mail address, please contact user support.

The following actions require an interaction between a collaboration contact and user support.

Revoke a collaboration membership

The request must be submitted by the relevant collaboration contact.

Delete an account

If the account is a member of an administrative collaboration, the request must be submitted by the administrative collaboration contact. If the account is not attached to any administrative collaboration, the user may submit the request themselves.

Change laboratory or research structure

The request must be submitted by the correspondent of the administrative collaboration associated with the new research structure. If the new research structure is not associated with any collaboration, simply follow the procedure to revoke a collaboration membership.


A change of laboratory or research structure may imply a change of your reference e-mail address. If such is the case, please add this information to your request.

Expiration date extension

Periodically, you will receive a notification inviting you to confirm the information associated to your profile.


Without any action on your behalf, the account will be deactivated and deemed eligible for destruction after the expiration date.

However, during a grace period of 3 months after the expiration date, you will still be able to trigger the unauthenticated revalidation process.

To extend your account activity, please follow the steps below:

  1. click on the link provided on the red banner in your Identity Management Portal profile,

  2. follow the procedure to verify your e-mail address and click on the link you will receive by e-mail,

  3. verify that the information associated with your account (if necessary, update it) and confirm that you have read the Charters concerning the use of resources.


If your account is attached to an administrative collaboration, its extension will only be effective once your collaboration contact has validated it.

CLI commands

You may find below some suggestions to check and manage your account information through a command-line interface (CLI) from an interactive server.

Modify your password

This command may be an alternative to the Identity Management Portal functionality:

% kpasswd

Unix group

To know your primary group, use the following command:

% id -gn

Without the option –gn, the command will list all the groups your account is associated with.

To change your primary group with a group you are already associated with:

% newgroup --help

Usage: newgroup   --help  | -h
       newgroup   --query | -q
       newgroup [ --temp  | -t ] [ --login | -l ] <groupname>
  • --temp allows to temporarily change the group and only in the active session where the command is executed. At logout the group change is cancelled.

  • --login allows to load the chosen group login environment. This modification is permanent up to the next change.